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Old 06-30-2011, 02:10 PM   #3
Hamilton Auto Repair
Join Date: Apr 2011
Age: 51
Posts: 3

[QUOTE=Brennan711;185]Hi, I bought my rover about 4 months ago and it was love at first site. Just like usual, love seems EXPENSIVE! I have been having several problems and would be very grateful if someone could help me out.

First of all , it had 106,000 miles and i put some engine restore oil treatment in the oil which is supposed to break up gunk (i later heard that that might not have been a good idea)

When I bought rover, the check engine light was constantly on, and the trio (abs, tc, and hill decent) would come on occasionally. I ran diagnostic at Autozone (which computer didn't recognize as land rover) and it said that I needed a MAF sensor and two oxygen sensors. Like a cheap jackass, I decided to go online and buy 4 cheap oxygen sensors and a MAF sensor (all costing $160, including shipping).

I was able to replace 3 of the 4 oxygen sensors, but bank one was stripped, and I was unable to change it. Soon after my truck has been running like crap. It is now showing 14 codes, including 4 misfires in cylinder 6, 8, etc... And a neutral switch problem in transmission.
Codes: p0150, p0308, p0130, p0306, p1590, p1300

I changed spark plugs and all plugs on passenger side were black, and driver side were white.

I took it to landrover dealership, and they wined and dined me, and charged me $150 for diagnosis. They the oxygen sensors were fine, and said I needed a valve job and it was going to cost $4500. I don't believe them. I didn't have any problems until I tried to "fix it." Also, since I been there the trio lights haven't come off. They were barely ever on before, now they are on 100% of the time.

Also, I was able to change out the stripped o2 sensor in bank one, but it is still running like crap. (rich, and slightly shakes when idling).

I put about 10,000 miles on vehicle since I had it, and it has been reliable. Yesterday the "m" and "s" light on the dash were flashing and the "d" on stick column was flashing. It was sluggish taking off in 1st gear. After I turned truck off and restated it, it has been driving normal.

Please help if you can.[/QUOT
problem number 1 is when you replace o2 sensors, mass air flow sensors and other parts the engine adaptations have to be reset. only a dealer or someone with a land rover diagnostic computer can do that. the m and s light is probably from a/c draining onto the transmission selector switch. common problem. i have had after market mass air flow sensor and oxygen sensors create worse problems. it sounds like this is what has happened to you. its almost like the o2 sensors are crossed. thats is why bank 2 is running very rich and bank 1 is running very lean. i had this exact problem happen to me on a d2 about 3 months ago. bad o2 sensor.
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