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Old 06-20-2011, 07:39 AM   #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Liberty Twp, OH
Posts: 225

Battery might show 12.57 volts, but put a set of jumper cables on it with an additional battery to make sure. This sounds like the normal dead battery issues.

Also check you battery ground to make sure it is connected well.

If the battery is older than 4 years or if it has been sitting a while... generally the battery will be the issue.

If not get back to me and I have a couple more thoughts... fuses, lock unlock drivers door with key 4 times in a row.
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EAS fault

When working with GEMS vehicles. Never try to locate a misfire by pulling plug leads off - pull the injector connector instead. Otherwise you can blow up the ECU.

Secondly never swap ECUs between vehicles to test them, because both vehicles and ECUs may stop working, and you'll have to have them all reset by a franchised LR dealer (ouch!).
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